by NoeSingingCircles | Sep 4, 2017 | Meadowlark, Mothering, Music, Spirit, Waldorf
So, this summer, to go along with our new Meadowlark Music Class album, I made a unicorn. Yeah, I know… I’m a grown up. I’m probably supposed to be over unicorns. But the thing is, first of all, I am not. Second of all, I have somehow found my way into a line or...
by NoeSingingCircles | Jul 10, 2017 | Meadowlark, Mothering, Music, Spirit, Waldorf, World Folk Traditions
As an educator who emphasizes wonder in my teaching, people sometimes ask me about the fairies. Why sing songs about fairies? Why now? It might sound a little quaint. Is this just escapism? Cuteness? A whitewashing of the true complexity of the world? Won’t our...
by NoeSingingCircles | Jul 6, 2017 | Mothering, Mothersong, Music, Song Teaching Videos, Spirit, Uncategorized, World Folk Traditions
A friend of mine is about to give birth to her second child. For her first birth, she tried a home birth, but this time, she’s giving birth in a hospital. Like a lot of us who make this choice, she’s feeling a need to bring as much consciousness and intentionality...
by NoeSingingCircles | Jun 21, 2017 | Meadowlark, Mothering, Music, Song Teaching Videos, Spirit, Uncategorized, Waldorf, World Folk Traditions
Happy Solstice, everyone! Today my four year old was walking around carrying an alarm clock, saying, “my mischief clock is about to go off. When my mischief clock goes off, that’s how I know it’s time to start my mischief.” Little does he...
by NoeSingingCircles | Jun 2, 2017 | Mothersong, Music, Song Teaching Videos, Spirit
Sometimes people ask me “how can I overcome my inner critic when singing?” A good first step is to name how that inner critic got in the way of singing in the first place. For many of us, the reason is that we have been raised to think about singing primarily as a...
by NoeSingingCircles | May 23, 2017 | Meadowlark, Mothering, Spirit, Uncategorized, Waldorf
Parenting is no joke. For most of us, it’s the hardest work we’ll ever do. Alfie Kohn said it well… You know that expression we use to emphasize that something is, relatively speaking, not too hard? We say “it’s not rocket science!” Kohn says we ought to...