by NoeSingingCircles | May 2, 2017 | Meadowlark, Mothering, Mothersong, Music, Song Teaching Videos, Spirit, Uncategorized
Yesterday a post came up in my Facebook feed promoting enrichment classes for babies. I clicked on the link, curious to learn what the author had to say about how we can best support babies’ development. The pictures on the website showed floors crowded with tummy...
by NoeSingingCircles | Apr 25, 2017 | Meadowlark, Mothering, Music, Song Teaching Videos, Uncategorized, Waldorf, World Folk Traditions
If you’ve ever walked with a toddler, you know how difficult it can be to get from one place to another. Go a couple steps, notice a bump of gum on a brick… Stop to examine it. Go a couple more steps… Spy a shiny gum wrapper. Stop to pick it up. Go another step, hear...
by NoeSingingCircles | Apr 19, 2017 | Meadowlark, Mothering, Music, Song Teaching Videos, Uncategorized, Waldorf, World Folk Traditions
We all know making music with our children can be fun. But did you know that songs can also be a powerful addition to your parenting tool kit? This month on the blog, I’m getting really practical, by teaching you some sweet, simple songs you can use to actually make...
by NoeSingingCircles | Apr 12, 2017 | Continuum parenting, Meadowlark, Mothering, Music, Spirit, Uncategorized
I had one of those talks yesterday with my mother – the kind of talk where everyone cries. We got to talking about when I was a baby. She described the pang she used to feel around mid-day when she was at work and I was home with the sitter. That was the time...
by NoeSingingCircles | Mar 29, 2017 | Meadowlark, Music, Uncategorized, Waldorf, World Folk Traditions
The new Meadowlark Music Class album is finished and available! It’s called “Rise and Greet Lady Spring.” I made it here in my home studio. Here’s a picture of us laying down the violin tracks. I am so excited to share these songs with you– twenty six...
by NoeSingingCircles | Mar 22, 2017 | Meadowlark, Mothering, Music, Spirit, Uncategorized, World Folk Traditions
Nobody told me. Or maybe they did, and I didn’t understand. How it’s not just a baby that’s born when you give birth. A mother is born too. The change might be sudden, or it might happen gradually. For me, it was a little of both. It all began with an encounter...