Letters From Noe’s Garden
Bring Warmth and Wonder to Family Life
Little Ones Love to Dance to this Song
Here's a fun song for family life. It's a great one to get little ones moving. If you’re on your way somewhere, when you start to sing it, your toddler will pick up the pace. If you’re just hanging out, chances are, s/he will start to dance! We use it in my home...
Overcoming the Inner Critic When Singing
Sometimes people ask me “how can I overcome my inner critic when singing?” A good first step is to name how that inner critic got in the way of singing in the first place. For many of us, the reason is that we have been raised to think about singing primarily as a...
The Best Parenting Resource For Tough Problems – Working With Your Child’s Higher Self
Nobody knows your child like you do. And yet, now and then, we may as parents experience a moment that brings it home for us how much we do not know. I experienced this with my twenty month old daughter the other day. We were in a music class where the teacher sang...
Earth Mama – How Getting Outside Helps Almost Everything
Parenting is no joke. For most of us, it's the hardest work we’ll ever do. Alfie Kohn said it well… You know that expression we use to emphasize that something is, relatively speaking, not too hard? We say “it’s not rocket science!” Kohn says we ought to change...
Managing Toddler Transitions– A Song to Help you Get out the Door!
Little ones struggle with change. The change might seem small to us. Having the ketchup on top of his scrambled eggs instead of on the side. Having papa at home in the morning when he’s usually at work. A week long visit from grandparents. As parents, it can be...
You Are Enough
Yesterday a post came up in my Facebook feed promoting enrichment classes for babies. I clicked on the link, curious to learn what the author had to say about how we can best support babies’ development. The pictures on the website showed floors crowded with tummy...
Come Follow Me– Songs to Move Toddlers Along
If you’ve ever walked with a toddler, you know how difficult it can be to get from one place to another. Go a couple steps, notice a bump of gum on a brick… Stop to examine it. Go a couple more steps… Spy a shiny gum wrapper. Stop to pick it up. Go another step, hear...
Songs for Little Helpers
We all know making music with our children can be fun. But did you know that songs can also be a powerful addition to your parenting tool kit? This month on the blog, I’m getting really practical, by teaching you some sweet, simple songs you can use to actually make...
Becoming a Cave Woman
I had one of those talks yesterday with my mother - the kind of talk where everyone cries. We got to talking about when I was a baby. She described the pang she used to feel around mid-day when she was at work and I was home with the sitter. That was the time her...
Sneak Preview of our New Meadowlark Puppet Show
Now that spring has sprung here in San Francisco, it’s high time for a new Meadowlark puppet show. The Meadowlark puppet show is always a special moment in our weekday morning music class. The children sit on their parents laps as we all sing… “Mother of a fairy...