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Letters From Noe’s Garden

Bring Warmth and Wonder to Family Life 

Rise and Greet Lady Spring

Here's a song to celebrate the spring!  The lyrics are based on a traditional song from Waldorf early childhood classrooms I've taught in.  Music and additional lyrics are by me  😉 I'm so excited to sing and dance to this one with the little ones and their caregivers...

A New Beginning

A New Beginning

I’m sitting here with a warm cup of tea in my kitchen, and an excited feeling.  Today I launched my new website, Deep River of Song, which is all about music making as a source of spiritual nourishment.  I feel excited, full-hearted and deeply grateful to everyone...

Songs for our Family Solstice Festival

Songs for our Family Solstice Festival

As winter draws near, we're looking forward to celebrating with friends and loved ones at this family solstice festival. Many members of our community are bringing their talents to create this event.  People are preparing to lead games and crafting, put on a puppet...