Experience Singing as Self CareAwaken JOY
Connect with warm community
Learn heart-opening songs you’ll cherish for a lifetime
All in one joyful ninety minute gathering!
If you’ve ever contemplated joining us for our weekly community choir, Mothersong, but felt like you just couldn’t make the commitment, then this option is for you. Our drop in singing circles offer the opportunity to get your feet wet with community singing without the expense and time commitment of joining the group for the full season. The teaching for these gatherings is entirely self-contained, so whether you join us once in a while or more often, you’ll be fully supported in learning.
Hear the Music
We sing songs like this one, Oh River, by Ma Muse.
Teaching Style
I teach singing in the oral tradition. This means that we don’t use sheet music, so there’s absolutely no sight reading required.
Literally all you need to be able to do is to listen and sing back what you hear.
Here’s how it works – as a song leader, I sing a line, the group sings it back to me. That’s it!
Starting with small sections, just one short line at a time, we gradually build up to the point where we can sing satisfyingly complex arrangements with ease.
What You’ll Experience
The Music – Learn six to twelve gorgeous songs in two, three and four part harmony – songs to strengthen, uplift, and inspire.
The Practices – Master embodiment and mindset practices to develop your singing voice, overcome stage fright, and step into your soul’s fullest expression.
The Community – Find belonging in a supportive circle of warm folks you’ll love getting to know.
The High – Singing together in this way feels so good – try it once and I’ll bet you’ll be amazed at power of singing to support deep self-care.
Drop In Singing Gatherings
Wednesday, February 26th, San Anselmo, 6 - 7:30 PM
Noe will be the guest songleader for Marv Zauderer's Joyful Voices Choir!
Want to Hear About Future Gatherings?
Join my occasional e-mail list for updates, and I’ll be sure to keep you posted.