Hi, I'm Noe.
An IFS informed spiritual counselor dedicated to helping you live your best life – one where you feel balanced, resourced and whole. As the powerful, unique person you are.
Here’s what I know is true –
1. Whatever you’ve been through, you can heal.
2. The world needs our healing. It’s what we came here for.
3. When invest in healing, things start to change for us.
A process is begun. A process with momentum.
I know because I see it each day in my healing practice.
It can be hard, when we’re struggling, to reach out for the help we need.
But the sooner we do it, the sooner we find relief.
If there’s one thing life has taught me, it’s this. When it comes to inner work, the only way out is through.
Wanna talk about resistance? Boy, do I know resistance.
To hear my story, read on.
My Story
At thirty nine years old, I had achieved the seeming impossible. I had made it through an entire lifetime, (marriage, career, kids), without ever facing my stuff.
My “stuff” included –
– A major “Me Too” trauma
– Two traumatic, high risk c-sections
– Medical trauma and exhaustion from my toddler’s six surgeries, all before he turned three years old
(To name a few!)
Lacking adequate tools to process these experiences, I did my best to ignore them.
I drowned my needs in overworking.
I drowned them in motherhood.
No matter what I was going through, it always felt like someone else’s emotional needs were more pressing than my own.
But life works in funny ways, doesn’t it?
Sometimes when we reach out to help another person, we end up helping ourselves.
Canaries in the coal mine, our precious children.
When I finally reached out, it was to seek therapy for my son. He was three, and I was at my wits end.
I worked hard each day to be the best mother I could be to him, and each night went to bed feeling defeated. I was starting to feel like his needs were beyond my capacity to meet.
Seeking support for him, I looked for a therapist. But the person I ended up resonating most with was not a therapist, but a practitioner of the spiritual counseling modality of Depth Hypnosis, who came highly recommended by a friend.
“I don’t think your son needs therapy,” she told me. “What would help him would be for me to work with you.”
Work with me?
I could work with someone?
I was allowed to get help?
I was allowed to get help.
And you are too.
Deep transformation becomes possible when we open ourselves up to be vulnerable. When we tenderly meet our areas of wounding, and hold them in the light of love.
So I set out, finally, to invest in my path of inner work.
Initially, Depth Hypnosis provided the container. This modality held me where I needed to be held, and gently pushed me where I needed to be challenged. I later discovered Internal Family Systems, which became the next major focus of my healing journey.
And with this work, things finally began to shift for me. Over time, through Internal Family Systems and other related modalities, my trauma was healed. I overcame the self-doubt and perfectionism that had plagued me. I started to feel safer in the world – to experience so much more confidence, ease, and flow.
Most importantly, I learned how to hold the line with my own needs.
For so long, I’d felt at sea. Now I had landed.
Landed in my body. Landed in my life.
No more running. No more hiding.
As it turned out, carrying around less emotional baggage meant a whole lot more space for me.
– C. G. JUNG

Today, as an IFS informed spiritual counselor I now carry those same powerful tools that helped me. Tools that can help you make real, deep, and lasting change in your life.
Today, while my main modality is IFS, I draw also on Buddhist psychology, Applied Shamanic counseling, and hypnotherapy, all of which shape the unique lens and expertise that I bring to this work.
In 2009, I earned my Masters of Theological Studies from Harvard Divinity School. I completed my undergraduate studies at Hunter College in NYC, graduating summa cum laude in a self designed program focused around spiritual dimensions of healing. In addition to this, I am also currently completing a second masters degree in counseling, which will lead in a few years to licensure as an MFT in the state of California.
To learn more about my education and training, go here.
I also draw on eleven years of experience as a mother and circle keeper, and a lifetime of experience as a musician and performing artist.
(One thing you should know about me is that I love to learn!)
Which brings us to you
You might be struggling with a personal issue, a life transition, a recent loss or a difficult relationship. Or maybe you feel called to try something new on your healing path.
Whatever you’re carrying right now, I’d love to help.
I mean that sincerely, regardless of whether you feel called to book a session or join me for a gathering.
In the coming months, I’ll be building up this website with some of my best resources – healing stories, insights and tools to help you live the life you want.
I’m glad we’re in touch and I look forward to the journey!
With care,
Noe Venable